Lived Experience Collective Convening


Keynote Speakers

  • Yolanda McIntosh

    Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,
    Associated General Constractors of Minnesota

  • Julissa Soto

    CDPHE Health Equity Commission & Latino Health Equity Consulting Founder

A Leader in Construction Mental Health, Yolanda Y. McIntosh is the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the Associated General Contractors of Minnesota. In her role, Yolanda leads efforts to create more intentional and inclusive initiatives, helping member contractors build equitable business cultures and provide greater opportunities for diverse populations in the building and highway construction industry. Beyond her DEI work, Yolanda is a prominent leader in the construction mental health movement, heading up the VitalCog in Construction suicide prevention training and awareness program for the region.

With lived experience in suicide ideation and attempts, Yolanda has become a national champion in suicide prevention within the construction industry. Her powerful message, “People like me don’t want to die; we just want the mental pain, turmoil, and anguish in our heads to STOP!” resonates deeply, inspiring change and raising awareness about mental health in construction.

Presentation Description:
Lessons in Being a Voice of Change In this impactful presentation, Yolanda Y. McIntosh shares her journey of transforming lived experience with suicide into a passionate advocacy for mental health and suicide prevention in the construction industry. As a leader who has become a national voice for change, Yolanda will discuss the challenges and rewards of being a champion for mental health in a demanding industry.

Learning Objectives:

  • The Power of Self-Care: Understanding the importance of support systems for leaders in mental health advocacy.

  • The Other Side of Storytelling: Reflecting on the weight of sharing personal stories and longing for a world where such stories need not exist.

  • Respect the Journey: Navigating unexpected emotional activation and managing the emotional challenges of leadership.

  • The Benediction: Emphasizing the crucial role that others play in supporting those with lived experience in suicide prevention.

This session offers practical insights and inspiration for anyone with lived experience looking to make a difference in the field of mental health promotion and suicide prevention.

For over two decades, Julissa Soto has been a force for change, leading the charge for Latino immigrant equality, inclusion, and health equity not just in Colorado, but across the entire nation. From her roots in teen parent programs to her pivotal role on the Colorado Vaccine Equity Task Force and her advocacy for health equity at the American Diabetes Association, Soto has relentlessly pioneered programs aimed at empowering marginalized communities.

Her impactful advocacy has earned her recognition in esteemed publications such as NPR, Time Magazine, and Hispanic Executive, showcasing her tireless efforts to uplift immigrant voices. Soto's influence extends beyond print media; she's been a featured TEDx Talk speaker and her success in spearheading evidence-based prevention programs for new immigrants has garnered acclaim at both state and national levels.

Soto's journey has been chronicled in a Channel 22 documentary, "Mexicanos Exitosos", which aired in Mexico and Spain, inspiring countless others with her story of resilience and success in a new country. In 2021, her groundbreaking programming earned her a prestigious honor when Colorado Governor Jared Polis proclaimed September 20th as "Julissa Soto Day", highlighting her dedication to serving her community.